Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle and profound healing modality. Craniosacral developed from the work of osteopath Dr William Sutherland over 100 years ago. The practitioners’ gentle touch helps you to connect with the rhythmic motion in the fluids and tissues of your body, facilitating the release of resistance and restrictions. As the restrictions within your Craniosacral System release, you may feel a deep sense of physical and mental relaxation. Vitality and a natural balance begin to restore. Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial for people of any age, even for those who are fragile or in acute pain. Treatment can aid almost any condition, raising vitality and improving the body’s capacity for self- repair.
Enjoy a treatment, leave feeling restored, re-energised and deeply nourished.
Your reason for receiving Craniosacral therapy usually determines the frequency of sessions. Often one treatment can bring great relief to your condition, 4- 6 sessions could complete the shift you are looking for. You might decide to continue with maintenance treatments, bi-weekly or quarterly.